

Alpen mountain??? Noo, this is Jayawijaya Mountain - Jayapura - Irian Jaya

Looking one of beautiful waves in the world??? No need go to Hawaii, Just visit Nias Island - North of Sumatra... You can see and feel amazing "The Lime Green Dream"...!!!

Don't say this is Sands in Arabic... This is sand in Pasir Berbisik (Whispering sands) are a vast sea of ​​sand around BROMO CALDERA in Surabaya - East of Java
Look like San Fransisco Bridge, right??? But this is JEMBATAN AMPERA/Ampera Bridge in Palembang, West of Sumatera
Band-e Amir blue lakes in Afganistan??? No, this is Kalimutu 3colors Lakes (iwu Ata Mbupu is usually blue; Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai is normally green; and Tiwu Ata Polo is usually a reddish hue) in Flores. One of the best Lakes in around the world...
Is this Maldives beaches??? Big no, this is Senggigi Beach - Lombok - Nusa Tenggara Barat
PARIS?? NO! This is LAPANGAN BANTENG - Central of Jakarta
One of Pedestrian in US? No! This is Sport Centre in MAKASAR - West of Sulawesi

Shanghai.. ? No! This is MANGGA DUA- North of Jakarta

Seperti Bandara di Eropa ya. Padahal ini Bandara Hasanudin di Makasar

Jangan ketipu ini bukan di New Zeland..tapi di PULAU KOMODO

Masih serasa di Monaco khan? jangan salah ini di BUNAKEN

Afrika..?? No.. This is GUNUNG KIDUL/KIDUL MOUNTAIN in West of Java

Same as one of European University, right??? the real is OLD CITY in North of Jakarta.

look like City of Gaza... Actually this is MEDAN city one part of North of Sumatra...

Wow Manhattan banget

Jangan berharap ada Spiderman yahh karena ini gak di NY

Uhm kayak di Singapura yahh padahal ini Gramedia SURABAYA loh...

Wah kalo ini serasa mau melintas negara bagian di US..padahal mau nyebrang SURAMADU hehe