By Wayne Madsen
Aug 28, 2011
In light of WMR's previous report on Mossad playing a substantial
role in the devastating bombing of downtown Oslo, we have obtained an
exclusive photograph of a suspected Israeli intelligence operative
laughing it up with an Indonesian police officer on October 13, 2002,
the morning after the deadly bombings of the night club district of Kuta
in Bali at 11:05 pm on October 12. At least 202 and maybe as many as
400 people died in the twin explosions. Most of the dead were
Australians on holiday. The attack spurred Australian Prime Minister
John Howard into joining the U.S.-British war in Afghanistan and, later,
in Iraq.
The western man pictured, the only westerner seen in the immediate
vicinity of Bali's "Ground Zero," is standing at the police lines and
looking toward the bombed and burned out debris of the Paddy Pub and the
Sari Club, located across the street. While the civilian Balinese and
Indonesian Marines, Army, police, and Special Forces were traumatized by
what happened the night before, the suspected Israeli was noticeably
happy at the somber scene of destruction. He was so happy, a journalist
immediately dispatched to the scene from Jakarta decided to snap the
man's photograph. The man's joviality at a scene where there were human
intestines and other body parts strewn across exposed re-bar stripped of
concrete and hideously burned bodies made him the subject of immediate
Laughing it up at a horrific bombing scene on Bali in 2002. Israelis have a sordid history of relishing in terrorist bombings from New York and Beirut to Bali and Oslo. |
The following is WMR's report dated August 12, 2008, on the Bali
bombing and its aftermath, including FBI spying on U.S. journalists:
Recently, FBI director Robert Mueller called New York Times executive editor Bill Keller and Washington Post
executive editor Leonard Downie, Jr. and apologized for the FBI
improperly obtaining phone records on their Jakarta, Indonesia-based
reporters in 2004 during a "national security investigation." FBI agents
apparently by-passed judicial authorization in declaring that an
emergency existed in their desire to discover with whom the reporters
were communicating.
The reporters affected by the FBI surveillance were the Post's Ellen Nakashima and Natasha Tampubolon and the Times' Raymond Bonner and Jane Perlez.
WMR has learned from another Jakarta-based journalist that the FBI
was attempting to discover what information the journalists may have
obtained on a false flag operation involving the deadly 2002 bombings in
Bali that was blamed by the United States on Jemmah Islamiya, the
Southeast Asian affiliate of "Al Qaeda."
On March 27, 2007, WMR reported on the subject of the FBI's interest in Jakarta-based correspondents:
Indonesian and American sources report that there was a significant
U.S. and Israeli military-intelligence connection to the October 12,
2002 bombings of the Sari Club in Bali, Indonesia. A DeHavilland Dash-7
aircraft registered in Queensland, Australia, landed at Denpasar Airport
in Bali only hours before a massive explosion ripped through the Sari
Club, killing over 200 people, many of them vaporized.
Our sources claim that an Israeli military team
arrived at Denpasar Hospital a after the explosion and claimed four
bodies of white men in uniform and flew them out of Bali on the Dash 7.
The plane took off an hour after the explosion. Our sources have
revealed the plane was permitted to pass through Singapore for an
unknown destination.
After the bombing and the plane’s departure, the tower logs were
altered at Denpasar Airport to indicate the Dash 7 had not landed there.
However, in a major oversight, the apron logs were not tampered with.
Our sources have revealed the Dash 7 was Israeli-owned.
Several victims of the Sari Club bombing at Kuta Beach had flash
burns on their bodies — something common with people exposed to a nuclear blast.
Our sources also have revealed that a CIA contract agent — an
Indonesian national — was at Kuta Beach the day before the terrorist
bombing. He is also known to have been involved in other terrorist
attacks on behalf of the CIA since 1998.
Our sources also indicate that the then-U.S. ambassador to
Indonesia, Ralph Boyce, who is now posted as ambassador to Thailand, was
fully aware of U.S. intelligence pre-knowledge of the terrorist bombing
in Bali. Boyce told the American managing editor of the Jakarta Post
that it would be unhelpful if the paper pursued the U.S. angle in the
Bali bombing."
The FBI appears to have been interested in the identities of the
sources for a number of Jakarta-based journalists investigating the Bali
bombings. However, the bureau only required authorization for
surveillance of journalists defined as "U.S. persons" under intelligence
collection statutes.
U.S. ambassador Boyce exerted tremendous pressure on Syafie Ma'arif,
the head of Indonesia's second largest Muslim organization,
Muhammadiyah, to ensure accused Bali and Jakarta Marriott Hotel bombing
mastermind, the elderly Abu Bakar Bashir remained in prison. In 2003,
Bashir was cleared on leading Jemmah Islamiyah but was not released from
prison until 2004. Boyce was accused of manufacturing evidence against
Bashir and wanting to keep him in prison to prevent the cleric from
providing evidence linking U.S. intelligence to the bombings in
Indonesia. The Bali bombings, which killed 202 people, many of them
Australian, were portrayed as Australia's "9/11" in a propaganda ploy to
convince Australia to commit troops to the Iraq war.
Even before the Bali bombings, the Bush administration attempted to
get the government of President Megawati Sukarnoputri to secretly arrest
Bashir and hand him over to the United States for extraordinary
rendition. Megawati refused the request made in a meeting between
Megawati and Boyce, National Security Council official Karen Drook,
State Department interpreter Fred Burks, and an unidentified CIA agent.
The CIA agent warned Megawati that there "would be a problem" if Bashir
was not handed over to the United States. A month later, terrorist bombs
ripped through the Bali tourist spots.
UPDATE: WMR has also learned that the Australian government placed
pressure on the Indonesian government to quickly remove the debris from
the Bali bombing to barges brought in by Australia to Kuta port. The
debris was then dumped in the ocean. Similarly, debris from the World
Trade Center in New York was quickly transferred to Staten Island and
eventually to India and China for smelting. In both the New York and
Bali incidents, important forensics sites were compromised before a full
investigation could be carried out. The decision to remove crime scene
evidence came on orders from above.